Acceptable Use Policy
- Only submit posts on your behalf, never pretend to be someone else
- Only post material that is suitable for anyone to see
- All postings should be true, not including misleading or deceptive material
- Use language that is not offensive, insulting or threatening
- Always treat others as you would like to be treated
- Seek permission before posting someone’s photo from his/her private life
- Be careful, only post private information with permission from people involved and only post it to the relevant private groups on HR KIT®
- Use linked to abuse, harass and threaten others
- Use linked to conduct any illegal activity or encourage any activity that opposes your Company’s Code of Conduct
- Incite hatred on the basis of gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs or other personal characteristics
- Post photos of children
- Post private details of your colleagues
- Publish any gossip or spread rumors
- Post appearance indecent photos of yourself or others
Always keep in mind that linked is a business tool!