Enhancing Team Performance through the Five Factors of Employee Engagement

Enhancing Team Performance through the Five Factors of Employee Engagement Effective employee engagement is the key to transforming an average company into an exceptional one. However, simply hosting office pizza...

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Understanding Generation Z’s Work Ethic for Managers

As Generation Z enters the workforce, some may be quick to apply stereotypes to this group, painting them as tech-savvy but arrogant and overconfident. However, it is important to consider...

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Identifying and Resolving Employee Disengagement Issues: A Guide

What inspires you to start your day besides the comfort of a warm cup of pumpkin spice coffee? As for me, being a part of a human-focused company is what...

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Toxic Culture Is Driving the Great Resignation

Toxic Culture Is Driving the Great Resignation Research using employee data reveals the top five predictors of attrition and four actions managers can take in the short term to reduce...

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Employee Engagement: Στην εποχή της «ευέλικτης» δέσμευσης

Στη διάρκεια των τελευταίων ετών, η χώρα μας έχει διανύσει μια οικονομική, αλλά και κοινωνική κρίση. Σε όλο αυτό, ήρθε, πριν από λίγους μήνες, να προστεθεί η ανθρωπιστική κρίση που...

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Hiring a digital agency — 5 things you need to check out before signing up & the future of the digital agency

The Digital Agency wasn’t set up to only serve ads. No, sir. It was setup to improve process, from backroom to front desk marketing. Digital agencies need to be able...

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HR KIT becomes Linked

HR KIT becomes Linked. We believe that our technology solutions are a crucial link connecting companies with their most valuable source, their employees. At Linked we create effective communication and...

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Engaged! This is how your remote workers feel.

Engaged! This is how your remote workers feel. *if you keep them informed. Keep your staff informed, engaged & motivated. Use our awarded employee engagement solution. #employeeengagement #hr #workplace #employeeexperience

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A Big smile!

A Big smile! This is what your customer looks like, if you have happy employees. Keep your staff informed, engaged & motivated. Use our trusted employee engagement solution. #hrkit #engagement...

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HRKIT® is the Awarded & Trusted Employee Engagement Solution in Greece

Hello my name is George Pantoulas and I am the Founder at HRKIT® which is the trusted solution at multinational corporations for engaging employees through HR. The fact is that...

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