Our Support Policy
- To get a pre-purchase advice, you may post in the theme’s forum.
- To get a response more promptly, you are recommended to use our Ticket-system.
- We try to answer your questions within 12-24 hours. However, if any delay occurs, it doesn’t mean that we forgot about you. Some of the issues require testing and analyzing, so we can resolve it effectively.
- Support time schedule is Monday – Friday: -10.00 – 19.00 CET
- Please note! We do not provide support, if you do not have the purchase code.
- Item support does not include:
- Customization and installation.
- Support for third party software and plugins.
Recommended hostings:
the HR Kit team offers only the best services and recommends them to their customers. One of the most important services is HOSTING. Unlike any cheap hostings that usually have limited resources which causes many problems to the site owners, quality hosting gives a client a fair amount of resources sufficient for any website and any task. By using quality hosting you can rest assured that your site will work smoothly. We recommend…