The Benefits of a Digital Workplace

The Benefits of a Digital Workplace

The world is now a digital place. The tech revolution means your workplace also needs to be digital.  Our leisure time is now dominated by technology, whether we like it or not.  We use computers to order takeaways, check on our financial situation, message our friends, and book a hotel when we have had enough of the daily grind. Despite this digital revolution in our home lives, many workplaces struggle to make their everyday processes second nature for employees.

In this modern era, the digital workplace is a must. There are a confusing number of apps and software available which claim to be able to transform your business. It is crucial to remember that digital transformation is possible. As soon as you understand the digital workplace, you can benefit enormously from the power it gives you to change your business for the better.

What are the benefits of a digital transformation? This blog gives you valuable information from us at HR KIT about the significant effect on your business that a workplace digital upgrade will provide.

Ease of Communication

Communication is vital to the success of any business.  Outside of work, the biggest change technological innovation has provided us with is the ease with which we can interact with each other.  Instant messaging, cloud-based file sharing and social media platforms have made immediate communication a reality.

Most workplaces have not caught up with the digital messaging revolution. Many organisations are still relying on email, which is less than satisfactory. Email communications can be misunderstood and are often lost in the system.

Some businesses have switched to more immediate systems such as employee workflow tools but most are relying on desk-based approaches.  These programmes don’t reach a majority of a company’s workforce.

Some workplaces are using a mixture of desk programmes and messaging apps. These methods do not necessarily engage the employees or fit with the wider goals of the business.

Mobile-first communication in the digital workplace ensures all employees are involved. People can receive information instantly so this minimises time wasted in waiting for others to respond.

Engagement Improves

Most business managers understand the importance of employee engagement as interested workers increase productivity, but the methods of improving this engagement are often flawed.  Many organisations spend money on one off events such as team building days, perks and staff parties but real engagement is gained through everyday interactions between staff members.  Research suggests that only 15% of employees consider themselves to be engaged at work. This level of apathy means it becomes difficult to retain staff and productivity is lowered.  There can also be high levels of absenteeism.  Lack of interest from the workforce in the jobs they are doing affects company profitability.

Most businesses are still relying on email, which has not been shown to increase engagement.  A digital workplace makes it much easier to connect with staff.  HR KIT makes it easy to communicate with all employees with little cost or time.  Staff have the opportunity to make their voice heard and they can be recognised for good performance.

Reaches the Deskless Workforce

In many businesses, the majority of the employees do not sit behind a desk all day. Deskless workers are found in hospitality, healthcare, retail and manufacturing. Relying on systems such as email for communication in these industries means most employees are disconnected and can feel alienated from the company.  Mobile technology can reach these workers so their needs can be met.


What is HR KIT

HR KIT is a mobile employee engagement solution you can fit in your pocket. HR KIT can help your employees to feel part of something greater, increase their overall engagement in their work and feel proud to be a part of your company

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