Did you know Ineffective Communications cost

Businesses are always looking for new ways to grow. Most companies will try coming up with new ideas in boardroom meetings. This traditional way of doing things often wastes valuable resources. The hoped-for increase in revenue does not materialize, and the vicious cycle continues.


One way forward is to look at things differently. Instead of trying to grow, you can search for ways to save money. One wasteful problem in business is inefficient internal communication systems. These ineffective processes can cost you $11 000 per worker, stopping your company from growing.

What is Internal Communication?


Most businesses think of internal communication as emails and telephone calls. Still, these days there are more options you can choose.  Researchers estimate that companies send 124.5 billion business emails each day. The average office employee receives up to 121 emails per shift. Much information is going to get lost with this system.


Sound internal communication systems give workers the information they need. They also:

  • Keep workers informed;
  • Encourage communication between workers and leaders;
  • Build a positive company culture;
  • Increase employee engagement;
  • Give a platform for feedback and questions.

What Damage does Inadequate Communication do?


Many company leaders might think that benefits like positive company culture and increased employee engagement are pleasant by-products. Still, they are core factors in business growth.


Poor communication wastes money, and disengaged workers will not contribute to increased revenue. Workers who don’t know what to do or why they are doing it damage the bottom line.


Communication is the key to increasing employee engagement. Motivated employees save money.

What Causes Disengagement?


Many disengaged workers are indifferent or even actively hostile to the company. They can cause damage in the long term.


Disengagement leads to:


  • Absenteeism. Workers who are having a day off without being ill cost businesses money. Valuing workers and the contribution they make reduces absenteeism;
  • High staff turnover. Many employees do not receive feedback about how they are doing. This poor communication leads to them looking for work elsewhere. Recruiting new staff is expensive, so strong communication with workers is key to retaining them;
  • Reduced productivity. Companies with engaged workers outperform others by 200%. Engage with staff through efficient communication systems. Workers who understand their role in the company and understand the business’s vision are more productive than others.


How do you Improve Internal Communication in your Business?


Inadequate communication within your company costs you money, so you need to change it. Every business is unique, so one rigid approach is not right for all. The best strategy is to find out what your employees’ needs are and build a communication system around these needs that is right for your situation. However, there are core areas that you should examine:


  • Encourage sharing. Poor communication makes employees feel unhappy and unvalued. Keep them in the loop through uploading photos, liking, sharing and commenting;
  • Listen. Show employees that you care about their opinions and ideas. You can even invite criticism of yourself as a leader. This feedback will help you to learn and grow as a manager. Listening can only improve your profits;
  • Go mobile. It has never been easier to get staff on board with a new mobile communication platform. There are 3.5 billion mobile phone users worldwide. HR KIT has the mobile answer to communication problems you are seeking. Using our system will make your communication issues a thing of the past.

What is HR KIT

HR KIT is a mobile employee engagement solution you can fit in your pocket. HR KIT can help your employees to feel part of something greater, increase their overall engagement in their work and feel proud to be a part of your company

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